Canon RF 200-500mm f/4 L IS USM Lens Delayed until the second half of 2024

The highly anticipated Canon RF 200-500mm f/4 L IS USM Lens has faced a delay, pushing its release date to the second half of 2024. This news comes as both a disappointment and a relief, as the delay is partly due to the overwhelming demand for the RF 100-300mm f/2.8L IS USM lens. Canon wants to ensure that customers have access to this lens before introducing another highly sought-after product.

The timing of the delayed release aligns with major events in the world of sports photography. The lens is likely to make its debut at Euro 2024, which takes place from June through July, followed by the Summer Olympics in July and August of 2024. This allows professional photographers ample time to test and familiarize themselves with the lens before capturing the thrilling moments of these iconic tournaments.

The RF 200-500mm f/4L IS USM is expected to be a favorite among photographers, despite its predicted premium price tag. Offering a versatile zoom range and a wide aperture of f/4, this lens is poised to deliver exceptional image quality and performance.

While the delay may be disappointing for some, Canon’s decision to prioritize meeting the demand for the RF 100-300mm lens demonstrates their commitment to customer satisfaction. With certain Canon lenses currently experiencing supply shortages, ensuring the availability of existing products is of utmost importance.

Though the announcement and release of the RF 200-500mm f/4L IS USM Lens may take place towards the end of the Olympics, it is likely that professional photographers working at the event will have early access to the lens for testing purposes. This ensures that they can leverage the lens’s capabilities to capture breathtaking shots during the prestigious competition.

While the wait may be prolonged, the arrival of the Canon RF 200-500mm f/4L IS USM Lens promises to be worth it. Photographers can look forward to an exceptional tool that pushes the boundaries of their artistic vision and elevates their photography to new heights. Stay tuned with us for more Canon Rumors.

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Via: CanonRumors