Size Comparison: Sony a9 vs Sony a7RII

CameraSize already added the new Sony a9 to their database, so you can compare the size with any other camera. Here is the size comparison of Sony a9 vs Sony a7RII.

Sony a9 vs Sony a7RII:

  • Sony Alpha A9 and Sony A7R II are the same width (126.9 mm) and 0% (0.1 mm) shorter than Sony A7R II.
  • Sony Alpha A9 is 4% (2.7 mm) thicker than Sony A7R II.
  • Sony Alpha A9 [673 g] weights 8% (48 grams) more than Sony A7R II [625 g] (*inc. batteries and memory card).
  • Sony Alpha A9 dimensions: 126.9×95.6×63 mm (camera body only, excluding protrusion)
    Sony A7R II dimensions: 126.9×95.7×60.3 mm (camera body only, excluding protrusion)

Reminder: The new Sony a9 camera will be available for pre-order at Amazon, B&H and Adorama on 4/21/17 at 10:00am.

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Read more: Best Sony Full Frame E Mount Lenses.