Olympus E-M10 II vs E-M10 vs E-M5 II Specs Comparison

Here is a quick review and specs comparison for the Olympus E-M10 II, Olympus E-M10, Olympus E-M5 II. You can take a look at the key differences between the three cameras. Some differences like sensor, image size, shooting speed, lcd size etc…detailed as bold on the table.

Olympus E-M10 II (Amazon, B&H, Adorama) micro four thirds mirrorless camera has been officially announced. Sporting a classic design and sleek form factor, Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark II is a mirrorless Micro Four Thirds digital camera featuring refined stills and movie recording capabilities to suit working in a variety of day-to-day environments. As the successor to the Olympus OM-D E-M10, the OM-D E-M10 Mark II combines the award-winning power of the OM-D family, first-class quality of 5-axis image stabilization and an all-new design with improved ergonomics. The Olympus OM-D series brings flawless, professional-quality images and video to photographers of all levels.

And according to Amazon US, the Olympus E-M10 Mark II will be released on August 31, 2015.

Olympus E-M10 II vs E-M10 vs E-M5 II Specs Comparison

Cameras E-M10 II E-M10 E-M5 II
Sensor 16.1 MP Live MOS (Four Thirds)
Processor TruePic VII
Image stabilization 5-axis (4 stops) 3-axis (3 stops) 5-axis (5 stop)
Electronic shutter Yes No Yes
ISO range 100-25600
Max burst rate 8.5 fps 8 fps 10 fps
LCD type Tilting Rotating
LCD size/resolution 3″ / 1.04M-dot
EVF type/resolution 2.36M-dot OLED 1.44M-dot LCD 2.36M-dot OLED
EVF size (35mm equiv.) 0.62x 0.58x 0.74x
AF targeting pad Yes No
Built-in flash Yes No
Video resolution 1080/60p/30p/24p 1080/30p 1080/60p/30p/24p
4K time-lapse Yes No
Weather-sealing No Yes
Mic jack No Yes
Battery life 320 shots 310 shots
Dimensions 120 x 83 x 47mm 119 x 82 x 46mm 124 x 85 x 45mm
Weight 390 g 400 g 469 g

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