Pentax Full Frame DSLR vs K-3 Size Comparison

Here is the size comparison of Pentax Full Frame DSLR against Pentax K-3. The new Pentax Full Frame DSLR camera has an impressive look. It is larger when compared to the K-3. The width is approximately the same, but the Pentax Full Frame DSLR is a litter higher, so, it seems that the new Pentax Full Frame DSLR Camera is going to be a little larger as a whole.

The previous rumors said that the Pentax Full Frame DSLR Camera will be announced October 6th, 2015. But, a new Pentax website (teaser?) saying that Full Frame by Pentax 2016 Spring Debut. So it seems that the Pentax Full Frame DSLR Camera is delayed, and it will be announced in Spring 2016.

And the rumors said the upcoming Pentax Full Frame DSLR Camera will feature Sony a7RII’s 42.4MP Sensor. And it will be priced around $3,000.

Pentax Full Frame DSLR Camera vs Pentax K-3 Size Comparison

via: (found via Ricehigh)

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