More Images: Nikon D850 vs Df Size Comparison, RAW and JPG Options

Here are some additional leaked images of Nikon D850 (D810 replacement) DSLR camera (from DPReview Forum), including the side by side comparison between Nikon D850 and Nikon Df, and the images of D850 RAW & JPG options.

The Nikon D850 DSLR will probably be announced on August 16, 2017. The US price is rumored to be around $3,600 USD.

Take a look at another Nikon D850 leaked image and full specs here.

Nikon D810: $2,796.95 at Amazon, B&H, Adorama.

Like Nikon D850 facebook page and join Nikon D850 Facebook group to get the latest D850 news in time!

Via: DPReview, NikonRumors